
Our Mission

Daughters of Valor offers broad development intervention using the Bible to help young people understand and evaluate their life options.  The program is based on the notion that a heightened awareness of life options, increased knowledge of those options and how to effectively pursue them will lead to a positive outcome.
Daughters of Valor includes three essential program components: Group and Classroom Instruction, Community Service, and Life Skills.  Group and Classroom instruction involves small group activities, age appropriate discussions, topics of special interest to young people, and fun activities.  This allows them to examine their values and master life skills within a supportive peer group guided by an adult facilitator.  Community Service offers participants a variety of service and volunteer roles, which provides youth with an opportunity to help others.  Reconnecting young people to God and their community, challenges them to learn new skills and authenticate their strengths and talents.  Service learning links the community service experience to the group instruction and ultimately to their lives – by allowing the youth to process and reflect on their service activities.  Life Skills are taken from the Word of God (Bible) and allow each youth to balance life with encouragement, positive examples, fun and effective activities.


DOV Program


My name is Julianna. I joined DOV program at the age of 10 soon turning 11. The program was positive and instrumental in so many areas of my life. I am the youngest of 8 siblings and a recipient of the 2015 Distinguished Daughters of valor award. I’m a graduate of University of Florida with a degree in community and nonprofit.

— DOV Alumni/ Volunteer


Activity Summary

MEETINGS Four- ten week sessions designed to help each girl experience group and individual interaction to develop self-confidence, identify gifts and talents, foster better relationships, and learn proper etiquette in dining, dressing and social functions.  We will also identify positive habits and train each teen to become a master student, expose them to expressive worship and while also having fun with beauty tips and techniques.  
WORKSHOPS: Focuses on topics such as faith, sex, peer pressure, college, topics that interest today’s teenage girls and topics that will explore what Jesus’ standards are.
OUTREACH: Teaching the importance of giving back or paying forward, and reaching out to help others that can’t pay them back.  Teaching standards or principals of doing for others- stewardship, caring for the needs of someone else.
FUNDRAISERS: Opportunities to raise the necessary funds to finance the cost of materials, workshops, outreach and the banquet.
BANQUET : A celebration of (1) what God has brought forth in each girl and (2) the accomplishments that have taken place over the course of the program.  A chance for the friends and family of the girls to see the work God has used the girls to do.  During this time a scholarship is also given to a high school graduate in need of support.
AMBASSADOR PROGRAM- MAKING DISCIPLES : This is an invitation for former D.O.V’s to be selected to partner with a new D.O.V’s.  As an ambassador your role will include: dedicating time to pray for, encourage and affirm each new D.O.V., facilitating meetings, and assisting with activities, etc.  Our goal is to develop stewardship by encouraging her continued growth and put to use her gift and talents.  This is on a volunteer basis only.